By Freya Astrella

Are you a truth seeker like me? I’m compelled to go beyond the “what” to dissect the “how” and “why” of every experience. This blog reflects my investigations into vocal technique, personal development, and the healing power of music.

Freya Astrella Freya Astrella

How effective are herbal teas for singers?

With an increasing amount of herbal teas on the market, are there any that can genuinely help singers to perform at their best? Let’s take a look at some of the published research and listen to what medical professionals have to say about the herbs in these brews…

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Freya Astrella Freya Astrella

Potions and pills won’t make you a better singer (sorry)

At one time or another, most singers have felt the panic of a sore throat on the eve of an important recital, or been struck by fear as our nostrils block up upon the morn of a big gig. How can singers navigate this challenge and get their voice gig-ready?

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Freya Astrella Freya Astrella

How deep should you breathe?

At one point or another, a singer in training may be told to ‘sing from the diaphragm’, but what does that really mean? 

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Freya is a bonafide vocal technique expert and is one of the only teachers in the region to have gained Estill Voice certification (which means she can move all the parts of her vocal instrument independently!)

Freya holds a First Class BA(hons) in Professional Musicianship, VocalTech diploma, and a Master of Music Degree in Popular Music. And she is currently undertaking the Vocal Process teacher training course.

As a teacher, Freya has taught all ages and abilities at BIMM, Access To Music, The Academy of Music And Sound, TheatreTrain, Stagecoach Theatre Arts, and The Rock Project.

As a performer, Freya has accumulated hundreds of stage and studio hours. From top-tier functions in iconic London venues to collaborating with charting producers. Freya’s proudest moment was being inducted into the golden pages of the Cirque du Soleil casting database. She released her debut EP in 2023, with the second coming soon.

Furthermore, as a trained copywriter, Freya was a lead writer for, which was the biggest online resource for singers. And, she has worked in events and music marketing for seven years.

In her personal life, Freya has walked the healing path for many years. She deeply understands the power of embracing both the light and the dark in bringing about profound change and wisdom. Not only do these insights inform her own artistry and vocal expression, Freya holds space so her students can courageously and confidently ‘take up sonic space’.